Monday 18 December 2017

Rosemary cake

Rice flour or flour,
Sugar (for sira),
Eggs 1 pieces,
Sugar 1 te-Chamuch,
Salt 1 te-Chamuch,
Cardamom 2 pieces,
Ghee 1 tea – Chamuch,
The choice of food color is 3 colors,
Liquid milk is diminished.
Rosemary cake recipe
Rosemary cake

The system: You will have to take yeast with milk, sugar and salt, like rice flour or flour. If you are a little cold then break the eggs and tear it well. This time round and round with the face of the saille glass. This time, 3 pieces will be cut and cut by one inch in three equal parts. Now lift one part from the two sides and press the middle of the front. Thus, the flowers will be created by pressing down and pressing down. If you want to color, you will need to tie the flour and mix it with 3 times the food box. Flowers have to be created in the same way.

Make sira and keep it light. Heat the oil in the oil and lightly sink in the oil and let the sugar syrup. Take the sugar syrup as zilapira. Sweet, sweet, sweet. This cake can be kept for several days.

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